Sunday, 2 June 2013

Can an Old Dream Become True After Several Years?

 I always dreamt to study overseas and to speak and write in English fluently. In spite of still learning English, now I can write without checking the dictionary or looking for translation on Google. Besides writing and speaking in English, finally I am going to Australia to do my master degree and this means to me a golden key to open any door. I have been dreaming about it as soon as I finished my primary school. Can you imagine how long did it take? There is no any secret. It is only about persevering and believing that whatever you want it is possible to achieve. Just keep struggling and focusing on your main goal.

  My name is Angela. I am an Economist, but by the time I finished my course, my country was suffering with high rates of infection and prevalence of HIV/AIDS among women and children. So, I preferred to give up from the economics, and I embraced social cause to help my country doing my part in the fight against HIV/AIDS. I love my work because allows me to be directly exposed with communities and to know their pure and raw reality.

Now, I want to do my part discussing the main problems affecting the modern world. This is the principal reason of this blog. Firstly, I will focus on the effects of the global warming, especially about the rainfall and floods in Mozambique. I am aware that alone I will not change the world, but at least I will be doing something  ... Let’s share ideas, do your part too and together we can change the World.  I am already waiting for you...

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