Rainfull and Floods in Mozambique
In 2013, Mozambique experienced a similar picture. Heavy rains have hit the region and again, horrific floods have been the result. This year the flooding has been longer and even more damaging. A total of 213,000 people has been affected by the floods and had to leave their homes to live in huge makeshift camps. Mozambique has had to look for outside assistance from the international community due to the large scale damage and destruction of the flooding. Relief stocks were low and the resources of the Mozambique government were limited. Over $5 million of aid had been used to help immediate life-saving assistance. However it was estimated that the overall aid to assist the thousands affected by the floods would need to be around $30 million.
Global warming effects are real, global, and
measurable, and if nothing is doing
effectively to stop or reduce its effects, very serious
consequences awaiting us and future generations.